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7 Practical Healing Strategies Healthcare Needs for Survival

It’s no secret that people are frustrated with the way today’s healthcare system operates with it’s lack of focus on what true healing is about.  Having just returned from another trip to Sanoviv Medical Institute and Holistic Healing Center where I take nurses for Holistic Nutrition training, it is truly a healing experience and one that every nurse should experience as a benchmark of where healthcare needs to be in the future in order to survive.

Oh and did I mention, this amazing facility is located one hour from San Diego – across the border into Mexico.  That’s why they can use other healing modalities we are not allowed to use in the U.S. with proven results of success.  They still treat patients with major chronic degenerative diseases in traditional ways (like stage 4 cancer when the patient has been written off by our system), but they also offer a functional medicine approach that focuses on the whole body, mind and spirit in consultation with physicians, nurses, chiropractors, nutritionists, dentists, psychologists, and spa therapists.  A true patient-centered approach that leads no stone unturned.

Unlike my latest experience with a traditional medical consult for my husband who will soon be undergoing a cardiac catheterization with the possible placement of a stent, all the nurse and physician were interested in doing was “telling” us what was going to happen next, as opposed to investigating all about his lifestyle and what factors might impact him now and in the future related to this situation.  Once again I was aware that he was only having his heart treated, and not his whole being.

So my latest trip to Sanoviv reminded me of simple strategies that we could all start implementing with the end result of helping others achieve true healing instead of just getting body parts fixed.  Here are some ideas for you to consider.  Of course it would be great if you could actually implement all of these things for the benefit of our patients in one fell swoop.  But realistically, if you would make a commitment to start the process of taking one small step in a healing direction, that could start the ball rolling or even just begin the conversation – that would be great progress.

Remove toxins from the environment.

Our bodies are overloaded with toxins and we are exposed to more and more in great amounts every day.  Here is one example.  Consider how much hand sanitizers are being used in most businesses to the point where people are afraid of germs and getting addicted to using them constantly. Many hand sanitizers expose you to potentially harmful chemicals and may compromise your long-term immunity.  Take home message – just like we learned in school – wash your hands with soap and water.

Use organic cotton clothing washed in toxin-free cleaning solutions.

Think about how much of the time your skin is in contact with clothing, pajamas, sheets.  If fabric smells like something, it is probably tainted by chemicals used in detergents, and those chemicals pass into your body thru your skin.  Find out what products are being used to clean fabrics in the hospital and in your home and change it to something toxin free.

Encourage positivity

Use a positive tone and use positive words when conversing with patients and co-workers. Make sure TV programs being shown convey a pleasant feeling. At Sanoviv, prior to surgery, patients attend a laughter yoga class. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.

Serve healthy whole food

Food is medicine.  Everyone at Sanoviv eats food that is mostly plant-based and organic at a ratio of half raw and half cooked. They have an organic garden to grow their own food, and when they can’t get everything they need,  they carefully select produce from other trusted sources. They also protect from potentially harmful pathogens by cleansing produce in a colloidal silver fruit and vegetable wash.

Provide communal dining

At Sanoviv all patients (except those too ill to join in) and guests eat together in a common dining room to provide socialization, positive support, and to feel more human and not so isolated as we do with patients.  Negative conversation is discouraged.

Create a calm environment

At Sanoviv, soothing music is provided throughout the facility which has a calming effect during treatments and meals. Gentle chimes are used to wake up in the morning.  A quiet room is available in view of the ocean providing total silence while patients recline with multiple pillows positioning them comfortably.

Bring in nature as much as possible

Patients receiving IV’s are in recliners and outside on the deck overlooking the ocean and listening to the ocean waves. Walking barefoot in the soft grass (Earthing) is encouraged to release any buildup of the negative effects of all the technology we are exposed to from EMF.  (Electromagnetic frequencies).  Multiple healing pools outside are used for natural detoxification and water exercise.

Hopefully these healing strategies give you “food for thought” and may inspire you to take positive action toward small steps that can improve and heal our broken healthcare system.  Click below to share your insights and experiences, especially what you see already working!

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