What happens to you when negativity takes over and you can’t see anything good in your life, your work, your day? Does it mean you are losing your mind, or are you just losing your perspective? Is there anyway to turn around “stinking thinking”?
I know what it is like to get caught up in negative thinking and it never ends well. The more you focus on negative thoughts, the bigger and badder they get and the bigger the toll it takes on your body, mind and spirit. Being in a state of chronic negative thinking can make you sick!
“Many negative emotions such as anger, fear, and frustration become problematic when those emotions turn into a more permanent disposition or a habitual outlook on the world,” explains Emiliana Simon-Thomas, PhD, science director of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley. And then you are at risk for ailments such as depression, heart disease, type 2 Diabetes, stroke, decreased immunity, inflammation. http://www.health.com/heart-disease/can-negative-thinking-make-you-sick
So this is serious and no one wants to go down this path if they don’t have to. But what strategies are available to break out of this cycle? Here are some ideas.
Did you know you have control over your thoughts, and if you are always thinking negatively you can change that right on the spot?
Try this activity. On a sheet of paper draw 2 columns side by side
In the left column, list all the negative words you can think of.
Once you complete the list, how do you feel?
In the right column list all the positive words you can think of.
Once you complete the list, how do you feel?
Notice that you feel better after writing the positive words and feel worse after writing the negative words. So words matter! Try to notice when you are using negative language and try to reframe it toward positive words when you catch it. This means paying attention to what you are thinking and correcting the thought before you speak it.
Now, identify what is leading to all the negative thoughts you are focused on and practice changing from negative to positive. Draw another 2 columns side by side.
List negative statements you make in the left column. Ex: I get stressed out when I am at work.
Now rewrite each statement in the right column using positive words. Ex: I am grateful that I have the ability to provide support for people who need my services.
After you complete both lists, focus on the right column only and see if it changes your thinking from negative to positive. Don’t give any attention to the left column because it will drag you down again. Remember you have control over your thinking and you can only hold one thought in your mind at a time. So choose which one you want to hold – negative or positive.
Positivity Self Test takes 2 minutes to complete. Your score provides a snapshot of how your emotions of the past day combine to create your positivity ratio. Do this as often as you want since it changes each time. http://www.positivityratio.com/single.php
Loving Kindness Meditation. This is a tool to improve compassion and resilience. Practice it regularly to change your perspective. Access the recording from this link. https://ggia.berkeley.edu/practice/loving_kindness_meditation#
There are many ways to “refresh” your attitude and these are just a few. As a wellness professional, I believe the answers lie within us. We just need to seek resources that will help us uncover our truths. Bottom line is if you are stuck in negative thinking, make the decision to take a first step forward. There are many resources available including wellness coaching to move forward with your goals.
If you would like a complimentary 20 minute laser coaching session with me just click here to contact me.
Be well on your wellness journey.
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