Taking a “cut in pay” when you retire is a hard pill to swallow and not ideal if you want to spend your newly found free time traveling to visit your grandkids or go to exotic places you’ve only dreamed of. Well I have a solution and it is working great for me right now. Because you have a nursing background (like me) and are a “wellness seeker” (like me) you know that not having enough money can be very stressful and that is not what you want to deal with in retirement.
So I have a solution for you! I am a WellPro Partner and WE EARN – as WE LEARN – while WE HELP others get healthy – IN OUR FREE TIME. It’s perfect for who we are.
Our WellPro partners earn great cash.
I can attest to that because it has been my retirement income for the past few years and it keeps growing as I continue to learn and have fun doing it. Our team has been so successful—because we really believe in what we do! It’s very common that our partners start earning an extra $100 per month in their first few months of business. It’s also not uncommon for a dedicated WellPro Partner (like me) to produce 5 figures after their first two years of business. I did!
It takes work – but you know how to do that!
Don’t get me wrong, it takes work. This isn’t a get-rich-quick-scheme. But building your own business and creating long-term, sustained residual income will open a world of possibility that most could have never imagined.
We always ask our partners:
What have you been able to do as a WellPro Partner that you never could have dreamed of in the past?
The answers range, of course. Some are able to finally retire and have extra money to carry them forward, travel whenever they want, put extra income down on their mortgage, upgrade their car, help their parents retire, save for a rainy day, or splurge to go to a high-end health spa and healing center in Mexico – like I did!
So I’d like to take a moment to ask you:
What would you do with an extra $1000 per month? Or more? And, how hard would you work to get there?
Be sure to click on the “Who We Are” tab to meet Dr. Deb and Dr. Karen – you will love them!!
Be well on your journey!