As the year is beginning to end and tax time looms large in the near future, I just wanted to share the tax benefit of owning your own business in case you want to join our team with Dr. Christiane Northrup.
You can deduct the following:
All your start-up costs – for us it ranges from $300-$700
Business expenses like product give-aways, promotion, supplies, travel
*Also contact your tax professional for more possible deductions
Here’s what Sandy Botkin CPA, former IRS tax attorney says:
“Every north American taxpayer who works a full-time job and does not have a side business is probably overpaying taxes to the tune of $3000 to $9000 a year.”
So what do you think? Is the time right for you to join us? Please email back and we can set up a time to discuss this opportunity. Would love to have you be a part of Dr. Northrup’s global wellness movement!
Just to refresh your memory, here are all the benefits of joining our WellPro wellness team who works in conjunction with Team Northrup.
Exclusive access to WellPro International Wellness Coaching Certification* a clear and practical system to develop your coaching skills to apply directly to your Wellness Business (Priceless)
The Igniting Prosperity Training – An 8-module online (self paced) course that will give you everything you need to know to activate your new wellness business. ($1500 value)
Weekly WellPRO International Business Support – A weekly call with Dr. Karen Wolfe, Dr. Deb Kern and featured team leaders offering business coaching, updates and group trainings. ($500 value)
Turn-Key Business System – Your own professional business management system. It’s like having a personal assistant for real time reports, progress charts & graphs, recognition and client support. (Priceless -Imagine hiring an assistant for these items!)
The WellPRO International Business Workbook – Get started right with your blueprint for sustainable success. ($200 value)
Exclusive membership in our WellPRO International and Team Northrup Facebook communities to connect with our incredible team, get your questions answered, and stay up-to-date on new announcements. (Priceless)
The Sugar Buster Program – A Step by Step weight-loss/lifestyle program without deprivation and starvation. Learn how to increase your energy, improve your immune health, and achieve lasting lifestyle change. Shopping list, email support, recipes, stress reduction, exercise, meditation, low glycemic cooking, self-care tips and resources to continue on with your healthy lifestyle.
Exclusive use of Clear The Way Program – An online program that guides your clients as they follow a specific nutritional protocol to enhance their digestion and support their body’s detoxification.
A personalized, signed copy of Dr. Karen Wolfe’s book Is Your Lifestyle Killing You? + audiobook Medicine from the Inside Out ($50 value)
The e-book of Create the Body Your Soul Desires: The Friendship Solution to Weight, Energy and Sexuality by Dr. Karen Wolfe and Deborah Kern. At last a soulful guide to the weight issue that is long overdue. This book puts you back in the driver seat of your life. It is a guidebook for you to live a conscious and fulfilling life. ($25 value)
21 Day Online Mentor Mastermind Program – Go step by step to build your business with Dr. Karen’s simple daily action strategy. ($1000 value)
Online Media Center where you get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes peek at how the top wellness business builders in have grown their wellness businesses ($500 value)
Unlimited access to our training call archives with new sessions being added weekly. ($1000 value)
A free ticket to next the annual international conference when you join with the WellPRO Entrepreneurial business pack. ($450 value)
Your own customizable, personal online nutrition store and customer website free for a year including your own fully integrated shopping cart. ($1540 value)
A cutting edge and completely customizable business HUB with professional presentation tools, team management software, calendar, tax tracking software, and more. ($240 value)
You’ll be part of The WellPRO International team, an extensive, international community of like-minded professionals dedicated to wellness in conjunction with Dr. Christiane Northrup. (Priceless)
Access to the leading, highest quality nutritional products in the world from USANA Health Sciences at a 20% discount (Priceless – you can’t put a price tag on your health)
Access to In-Person Mastermind Gatherings – Connect, get inspired and gather as a community of like-hearted wellness professionals. (priceless)
A proven, duplicable system for growing residual income in your wellness business and improve your financial and physical health. (Priceless)
So what do you think about joining before December 31? As Penny Northrup Kirk (Dr. Northrup’s sister) says: What would your life be like in 5 years if you continue doing what you are doing right now? Isn’t it time to take action toward creating the life you are meant to live?
Let’s talk! When is a good time for a call before Christmas. Let me know by clicking below.
Be well on your wellness journey.
Thanks. Carol
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