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No More Muttering About De-Cluttering

Writer's picture:  Carol Ebert Carol Ebert

As you may recall from my last posting, I was deep into office clutter and the stress was killing me.  So having pledged to my business coach that I would amend my ways, I set up an alarm on my phone and went to work.  My goal?  Clean up my bookshelf so Annie the cat can sit on top of it with a clear view out the window without knocking over all my stuff.  A worthy goal, even if it’s about my cat having an nicer life!

Here is the BEFORE shot.

cluttered bookcase

Here is the AFTER shot following 2 hours of purging, bagging and tossing.

decluttered bookcase

And here is Annie under whose watchful eye I was laboring.

Annie in the office

So what have I learned from this experience?

You can avoid the clutter and stress out all you want, but nothing changes until you take action.

You can make a commitment to another person (like a coach) so you will have to keep your word.

You can do this efficiently and is less time by using the timer on your cell phone to keep you moving.

You can add energetic music to the process so if feels like fun.

You can trick yourself into feeling like you are having fun and you are the best organizer in the world!

And the best thing for me is admiring my work and even wanting to keep that shelf looking this way every day.  And now on to the next challenge – my desk!

Want some support with this issue?  I’m an expert on clutter and can coach you thru this process.  Email me as  and let’s talk!

It’s time to lighten your load and start living clutter free!


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